26:PM ➜ Josiah Munsey header image 5

+++ white fox concept art +++

March 1st, 2014 No Comments


Viking Monkey all up in my Sketchbook, or, Why I’ve Been Missing in Action

March 14th, 2011 No Comments

Hey peoples, friends, family, fans. The reason my beautiful blog has been so horribly neglected is that I have spent the last month and a half quickly packing up our life.  We have relocated to sunny Orlando, where I just started my new video game job as a World Builder at a wonderful company called […]

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iPhone Game Concept Art: Behold the Cliff Monkey!

September 22nd, 2010 1 Comment

So you’ve seen a few screenshots…and now, how about a peek at the never-before-seen concept art for this new iPhone game? Behold, the Cliff Monkey! In case you were wondering what is in his pipe…that would be “coffee tobacco”, found only on the peaks of the tallest unknown mountains. I am still trying to find […]

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